Thursday, September 5, 2013

ADOPTION 20 Questions!

20 Questions:
Adoption Study Questionnaire Questions:

1. What is your motivation for adopting a child
2. How is your extended family reacting to your adoption plan
3. What type of child do you feel you can parent (Be specific regarding age, race, ethnicity, and medical problems)
4. What strengths and background do you have which would be helpful in parenting an adoptive child
5. Describe your parenting attitude, experiences, and skills. Include such areas as discipline, nurturing, and family relationships
6. How do you see your parenting of your children differing from or similar to that which you received
7. How do you feel about your childhood and relationship with your parents
8. Describe your parents. Which one have you been closest to in childhood and as an adult
9. What is your current relationship with your extended family members
10. Describe the support network and quality of meaningful relationships
11. Describe your personality. What are our strengths and weaknesses. Are there aspects of yourself you would like to change ?
12. How do you express joy, sadness, anger, and frustration?
13. What losses have you experienced in your life and how have you dealt with them
14. What are your coping skills and how do you relieve stress
15. What values and beliefs are important in your life. Describe your attitudes about religion
16. Describe your spouse/partner's childhood and current relationship to his or her family of origin
17. Describe your spouse's including his/her strengths and weaknesses
18. What are the strengths of your marriage/relationship? How do you and your spouse communicate and express feelings to one another
19. How do you and your spouse handle conflict and disagreements? What are areas of conflict?
20. What resources can you offer a child outside of your ethnic/racial/cultural experience.


  1. Wow...can't imagine filling all of this out. Some of these are huge...others are just common sense. Can't imagine reading the answers from their end either!

  2. I read through both of your blogs and I just want to thank you for write this. My husband and I have been trying for 7years with no luck. Reading what you wrote let me know that I am not alone. THANK You!! I hope all of your dreams come true soon.

  3. I am sorry that you can relate to this feeling, but happy that you found comfort in my words. It truly is a lonely feeling and incredible difficult to explain to someone who has not experienced. Blessings to you - heather
